World Maritime News

WMNF 2019/03/20


The Panama Canal joins Global Industry Alliance to support low carbon shipping

The Panama Canal formally joined the Global Industry Alliance (GIA), a public-private partnership initiative of the IMO under the framework of Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership (GloMEEP) project, which is a Global Environment Facility (GEF) – United Nations Development Program (UNPD)- IMO project comprised of maritime industry leaders working to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in international shipping. Panama Canal Authority L.Quijano made the announcement on March 18 during the signing ceremony inducing the waterway into the GIA at the Panama Maritime World Conference and Exhibition with attendance of IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim. The Panama Canal has also been recognized for its pioneering sustainability initiatives, such as its Green Connection Environmental Recognition Program, which consists of the Green Connection Award, the Environmental Premium Ranking, Emissions Calculator and the Environmental Shipping Index (ESI).

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2019 AAPA Spring Conference in Washington D.C. in March

High-ranking government officials, public policy influencers, and business and port authority leaders from throughout the Western Hemisphere will converge on Washington, D.C., March 19-20 to participate in the 2019 Spring Conference of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA). Among the conference highlights will be:

-Keynote address by World Shipping Council President and CEO John W.Butler

-Keynote address by Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works D.James

-A U.S. Shipping Act and supply chain facilitation update by Federal Maritime Commission

Chairman Michael Khouri and Commissioner Rebecca Dye

-A 2018 U.S. port economic impact and analysis by economist John C. Martin Ph.D. president of Martin Associates, etc.

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MGI and Marseille-Fos Port win the Digital Transformation Award with Ci5

On March 13, MGI and the Marseille-Fos Port Authority (GPMM) received the award in the logistics category at the Digital Transformation Awards in Paris for the implementation of Ci5, MGI’s new-generation Cargo Community System (CCS). These awards honor companies who have used digital technologies to reinvent and transform their organizations.

The solution was deployed at Marseille-Fos Ports last October. Some 4,600 port community users from around 15 professions connected to the Cargo Community System have been the first to test Ci5 before roll out to other ports in France and across the world.

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Is the U.S. west coast big-container-ship ready?

Terminals in the Californian ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are able to handle ships of 18,000 teu or larger. But one of the problems is inland transportation connections. Unlike ships arriving in Europe from Asia where they will discharge cargo at numerous ports, those berthing in southern California will have to unload a huge number of containers during a single call. That creates potential congestion and bottlenecks right along the supply chain, both for deliveries by truck to nearby distribution hubs, and much larger volumes being moved by train to Chicago and other destinations as far as far as the Ohio Valley.

Another issue is related to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) who is raising concerns about automation plans for Pier 400, even though the acceptance of new technologies is written into west coast dockworkers’ current contract of employment. The ILWU has begun to receive significant political backing in its efforts to stall or stop plans by APM Terminals to automate the Pier 400 facility in the Port of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County Democratic Party has issued a resolution that ‘supports the efforts of the ILWU to prevent the loss of thousands of jobs at the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach.

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Spreading LNG bunkering

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority has joined SEA\LNG, the maritime industries coalition that advocates widespread adoption of LNG as a marine fuel. Port of Vancouver is the fourth port member to sign up, alongside Port of Rotterdam, Yokohama-Kawasaki International Port Corporation and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. It works closely with the regional gas supplier Fortis BC, and with industry, academia and government, to advance LNG bunkering in the Port of Vancouver.

Australia is also joining to develop LNG as a marine fuel in the Asia-Pacific region.

Woodside Energy, the country’s largest LNG producer, disclosed in the week 11 an ongoing tender for the construction of an LNG bunkering vessel to refuel ships in Western Australia with Western Australian LNG.

Australia, the home base for the world’s biggest mining companies BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, overtook Qatar as the world’s largest LNG exporting country las year.

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Interoperability seen as critical to smart box adoption

Container lines have a vested interest in providing container-tracking products that allow them to offer innovative services to their customers, but the plethora of competing systems threatens to hinder competitors’ systems.

Thomas Nouvian, deputy director of Traxens said at the Journal of Commerce’s TPM conference in Long Beach that the fundamental challenge we have is that as soon as you have the Internet of Things permanently fixed on assets, you need to have interoperability. If there is a different carrier using a different system, we can live up with it for a while, but ultimately, we would be looking for integration into a single plat form. It is important that the industry works towards the goal of interoperability.”

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Lloyd’s List Forum during Singapore Maritime Week in April

The future of the smart port will be advanced at a Lloyd’s List Forum during Singapore Maritime Week in April.

The forum will explore practical applications about how digital technology can improve port efficiency with smart sensors, data-sharing, integrated voyage planning, autonomous cargo handling systems and the dawn of IoV (Internet of Vehicles) to improve port traffic efficiency

And reduce collision risk.

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